About Me

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Hi,i'm george chuang. I'm a freshman and i major in the department of journalism in NCCU in taiwan,taipei. I'm from taipei and i'm a optimistic and easy-going person. My hobby is playing guitar,both elecyric and acoustic. So,apparently i'm going to post some blogs about guitar and muic i love. Hope you'll enjoy in the beautiful melody. And,if you're interested in me or my blog,just post a comment and let me know, i would be glad and i'm looking forward to it :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The karaoke contest

  There is a karaoke contest held by the department of journalim tomorrow. It's a event that let people who have passion to singing to join in and perform their best voices. Few month ago, when I was practicing for the choir contest, Jerry Su asked me to join the karaoke contest with him cause he know I could play guitar. So, I'm going to perform the song 還是會 with jerry tomorrow. It's quite fun when it comes to the reason we choice this song. First, we just have no idea which ssonong we should perform. Then we both give each other many songs, cause we both regard lots of songs are suitable, so we practice many song. As a result, we changed our song week after week, and eventually we choice it as the final version! I think this song is full of energy and makes me feel like singing under the shining sun. Hope you all like the song!

 P.S I also put on the video that teach you how to play this song with guitar, it's pretty useful and funny.


  1. Ha ha, is it a coincidence?I was assigned to reply Jerry Su's blog last post and his article also wrote this event.You are both very outstanding!My voice is not good and I also can't play the guitar.Therefore, I think that the coordiation about two people to perform songs on the same time is difficult and needs lots of tacit.Maybe, you can perform with Jerry next semester in English class ^^

  2. Hi, George! One Wednesday afternoon when I was waiting for my next class at 資訊大樓, I heard someone singing this song outside the classroom. Then my friend 宋晨郡(you must know her) said she wanted to check out who was singing. After she came back she told me that it was you and Jerry. Nice singing! But I thought you guys were practicing for 金旋獎. Maybe you guys can give it a shoot.

  3. Ha ha, guess what, I also reply Jerry's post about the karaoke contest last two weeks ago. You guys thought of the same thing. It's really interesting:D. And, I must say that it's really a gift for you to play guitar so well. I saw you playing guitar for many times,and you were totally awed me! Though what I saw it's not so compelet at all, it's still appearant that you play it so well! It's really impressive! Besides, I didn't show up on the karaoke contest due to an important project, and it's really a shame!! But I saw the video posted by the senior, and you guys are amazingggg!! You caught everyone's eyes! I hope that I can play guitar a bit well than now, but I always have so much work to do. In spite of this, I will do by best to do it well, and it's just like you do it so well.
