About Me

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Hi,i'm george chuang. I'm a freshman and i major in the department of journalism in NCCU in taiwan,taipei. I'm from taipei and i'm a optimistic and easy-going person. My hobby is playing guitar,both elecyric and acoustic. So,apparently i'm going to post some blogs about guitar and muic i love. Hope you'll enjoy in the beautiful melody. And,if you're interested in me or my blog,just post a comment and let me know, i would be glad and i'm looking forward to it :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Electric Guitar

  As you can see, the picture is the exterior of the electric guitar, some of the stucture are similar with the acoustic guitar, while some also have big differences.

  The main differences between electric and acoustic guitar is that most electric guitar has an solid body.
  Since there's no hollow chamber where the sound can resonate, it sounds pretty quiet when you play the guitar acousticly. So you will need "pickups", which are used to capture the sound so it can be made louder, electric guitars usually have 1~3 pickups. And all electric guitars have an "output jack". This is where you can plug in your guitar cable, and the other end goes into a amplifier or a studio interface.

  When you play a guitar, mainly you can play it in two ways, "picking" and "strumming". When you play each string individually, it's called picking, which is used to play melodys. When you play the string all at once, it's called strumming, which is used to play chords.

When you are picking for a period, people usually say that you are playing a solo. And I put some video of solo I like, so enjoy it !

Two really cool guitarist  (the guy's facial expression is pretty annoying ~)

A fantastic concert tour named "G3"

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your knowledge of electric guitar is so detailed. Since I know nothing about guitar, the introduction is too professional and complicated for me to understand. But I do love those video! I have never seen a solo of electric guitar before. It's pretty cool and the music is full of verve. In addition, the man in the first video is so dramatic ! I have a lot of fun~ Nice post!
