About Me

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Hi,i'm george chuang. I'm a freshman and i major in the department of journalism in NCCU in taiwan,taipei. I'm from taipei and i'm a optimistic and easy-going person. My hobby is playing guitar,both elecyric and acoustic. So,apparently i'm going to post some blogs about guitar and muic i love. Hope you'll enjoy in the beautiful melody. And,if you're interested in me or my blog,just post a comment and let me know, i would be glad and i'm looking forward to it :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The karaoke contest

  There is a karaoke contest held by the department of journalim tomorrow. It's a event that let people who have passion to singing to join in and perform their best voices. Few month ago, when I was practicing for the choir contest, Jerry Su asked me to join the karaoke contest with him cause he know I could play guitar. So, I'm going to perform the song 還是會 with jerry tomorrow. It's quite fun when it comes to the reason we choice this song. First, we just have no idea which ssonong we should perform. Then we both give each other many songs, cause we both regard lots of songs are suitable, so we practice many song. As a result, we changed our song week after week, and eventually we choice it as the final version! I think this song is full of energy and makes me feel like singing under the shining sun. Hope you all like the song!

 P.S I also put on the video that teach you how to play this song with guitar, it's pretty useful and funny.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas song

  Due to the up-coming christmas, I'm sharing some christmas song today. 
  Christmas is original a memorial day of the birth of Jesus Christ , celebrating generally on December 25th by people all around the world (Including christian and non christian). I'm a christian, so when I was young, my mom always took me to church on christmas. I remember there were people holding a  drama which present the birth of jesus. He was born in a manger because there was no guest room available for him. Although born in such place, he was born with glory. Three wise man visit him and gave him valuable present, shepherd gathered to see him also angels are singing to celebrate his birth. I think it’s a beautiful scene, it’s like all creation are exciting and looking forward to the birth of jesus, and I think the song “Joy to the world” described the scene really nice.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come

Let earth receive her King

Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven and heaven and nature sing

Joy to the world, the Savior reigns

Let all their songs employ

While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains

Repeat the sounding joy

Repeat the sounding joy

Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy

Joy, unspeakable joy

An overflowing well, no tongue can tell

Joy, unspeakable joy

Rises in my soul, never lets me go

He rules the world with truth and grace

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness

And wonders of His love

And wonders of His love

And wonders, wonders of His love

Joy, unspeakable joy

An overflowing well, no tongue can tell

Joy, unspeakable joy

Rises in my soul, never lets me go

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Acoustic guitar

    Once, I was a boy at the age of 13, though I my mom is a piano teacher, I have no passion on piano, I regard it boring because I was listening to it everyday, so I couldn’t play piano. However, I was in a choir that time and I love to sing, so when I saw people singing and also playing guitar, I was so fascinated and the thought of learning guitar came up, that was the reason I’ve learned guitar.
    comparing with other instrument, it is easy when you play guitar and sing in the same time, especially acoustic guitar.  When I started to learn guitar, I learned acoustic guitar first(the basic playing technique of acoustic and electric guitar are approximately the same ). The sound of acoustic guitar is very pure, that’s a big difference between the electric guitar, which has tons of changeable tone. Enjoy the pure and fabulous tone that acoustic guitar offers you.

                                 john mayor !

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sweet Child O' Mine

Today, I'm goimg to  introduce you a song, this song is called  "Sweet Child O' Mine".  
  If you ask what is the most representative band and song in the 80s to 90s of American rock, " Guns N' Roses" and  "Sweet Child O' Mine" would definitely be on the list. Guns N'Roses is a American hard rock band formed in Los Angeles, California, in 1985. And the song Sweet Child O' Mine is a very popular song at that time,  the song is on the top of the billboard music chart (Billboard music chart is a famous chart that ranks songs), becoming the band's first and only number-one single in the U.S.A. And it is written by the lead singer to his girl friend.

  I was in high school when I heard this song for the first time, I was in a band, and our lead guitarist love this song so much that when we practice together, we always play this song, so it also represent the green days of my high school and my band. Hope you enjoy the song.


She's got a smile that it seems to me 
Reminds me of childhood memories 
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky 
Now and then when I see her face 
She takes me away to that special place 
And if I stared too long 
I'd probably break down and cry 

Sweet child o' mine 
Sweet love of mine 

She's got eyes of the bluest skies 
As if they thought of rain 
I hate to look into those eyes 
And see an ounce of pain 
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place 
Where as a child I'd hide and pray 
 for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by 

Sweet child o' mine 
Sweet love of mine 

Where do we go 
Where do we go now 
Where do we go 
Sweet child o' mine

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Electric Guitar

  As you can see, the picture is the exterior of the electric guitar, some of the stucture are similar with the acoustic guitar, while some also have big differences.

  The main differences between electric and acoustic guitar is that most electric guitar has an solid body.
  Since there's no hollow chamber where the sound can resonate, it sounds pretty quiet when you play the guitar acousticly. So you will need "pickups", which are used to capture the sound so it can be made louder, electric guitars usually have 1~3 pickups. And all electric guitars have an "output jack". This is where you can plug in your guitar cable, and the other end goes into a amplifier or a studio interface.

  When you play a guitar, mainly you can play it in two ways, "picking" and "strumming". When you play each string individually, it's called picking, which is used to play melodys. When you play the string all at once, it's called strumming, which is used to play chords.

When you are picking for a period, people usually say that you are playing a solo. And I put some video of solo I like, so enjoy it !

Two really cool guitarist  (the guy's facial expression is pretty annoying ~)

A fantastic concert tour named "G3"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Electric guitar pedals

  Today I’m gonna introduce a special device you use when you play an electric guitar. This cool device are called Effects units.
  Effect units are electronic devices that alter how a musical instrument sounds. Some effects make the sound more “colorful”, some others transform the sound into a totally different sound. Effects are used during live performances or in the studio, they are typically used with electric guitar, keyboard and bass. Most frequently used with electric or electronic instrument, while it can also used with acoustic instrument, drums and vocals.
  Effects units are usually “housed” or placed in a small metal or plastic box that placed on the floor in front of the musician and connected to his instrument. Those box are called “pedal”. Pedal is typically controlled by one or more foot-pedal on-off switches and contains only one or two effects.And many pedals are usually placed in a pedalboard for you to carry it easier.

Below is an example for the different sound that different pedals make.

many pedals that placed on a pedalboard
Hope you'll enjoy it, and thanks for watching:)